Saturday, August 7, 2010


I know, it is hard to believe but summer is almost over! Some of us spent the time taking and dropping off kids to /from summer camp, taking them to extra activities, and of course, don’t forget to go for ice cream after a blistering 90F summer day.

It is also time to start thinking about buying school supplies, new clothes (remember, the kids need new outfits to impress their peers!) for the beginning of the school year. Once the kids are back to school you promised yourself to do something about that messy closet, messy files (did I pay or not pay my electrical bill?) and don’t forget that you also have to go to work. All those things to take care of plus grocery shopping, laundry, and making arrangements to have someone to wait for the furniture delivery which of course will be done in the middle of the day (not your choice but that is the only slot THEY have for delivery in your area!).

OK. Let’s think this straight: laundry, grocery shopping, pick up dry cleaners, wait for furniture delivery, organize the closets and kids’ room, etc.. Oh, don’t forget the dog, and the cat that need to go to the vet for their annual shots.

What about having someone help out with all these chores and when you get home, maybe you have the time to prepare dinner (Friday can be pizza day!) and enjoy your family without worries (you still have to help the kids with homework…sorry, we don’t offer this service).

Check our website for services and testimonials. You will be surprise how much we can do to make your live less stressful. That’s what we do best! Go to http:/ and give us a call when you are ready to enjoy life again!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Grandpa and Grandma Summer Camp

We had our granddaughters and a friend from Canada spending a week with us. We took them everywhere from the Crayola Factory, Six Flags, the Point Pleasant Boardwalk and of course the pool. The days were very hot but we did not mind. We had a lot of fun and so did the kids.

Breakfast at our new kitchen with Grandpa being the "chef".

Don't they look like angels when sleeping? Actually most of the time they slept on the way back from any activity for that day!

Some of the most memorable moments: Kayla(8 yrs. old)said on her second day with us: can we come next year too?
Morgan (4 yrs. old - one of the twins) - I love to take showers at your house. We can use the grown up shower!
Molly - She eats like a bird and only what she wants to eat not what everyone else is telling her she should eat!
Nicole (7 yrs. old) - our called "niece" from Canada, decided to call us Grandpa and Grandma. She went with the flow and we enjoyed it!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Finally it is done!







After 4 1/2 months the kitchen is done! It came out so beautiful that it looks like a showroom. To "break" the mold, we added some personal accents. Here are some photos before and after and I hope you enjoy them. The company that did the job was outstanding. They were always there when we needed them and were very professional. I would recommend them in a heartbeat. They were so good, we are making arrangements to have a BBQ at our house for all the workers and their families. They deserve a day off!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nothing like a blizzard to "cool" us down!

Yesterday we were scheduled to begin the siding of the house. What a perfect day! As you can see the siding will have to wait a week or so. Let's hope that the weather holds off so they can finish the job soon! We were also expecting the cabinets to arrive on WEDNESDAY (the same day as this photo!). Maybe we will get it on Friday.

The flooring is done. We love it. The wood floors now stretch from the front door all the way into the kitchen, which makes all the rooms look bigger and spacious.

We also got our new front door. It brings light inside the living room and at the same time we can see "who is coming for dinner". We are also happy because now we can actually see who is going to rob us before opening the door. The old door did not even have a "peep hole".

We are very pleased with the construction. They keep the place cleaned and organized and the whole job should be done by the end of this month!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Almost there!

The new windows have been installed. We love our bay window! One tip: if you watch all those shows on TV where they demolish a whole area and 30 minutes later your dream room is ready for you to enjoy, forget it! For example: the windows have been placed but now they need to be framed. One of the windows needs sheet rock which is done by someone other than the person who put in the window - go figure! This someone else will show up two days later. The tiles are placed in the kitchen but we need to wait a couple days to dry in order to put in the grout. I wish I could say "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" and everything would be in place! The contract states that the job should be done in 120 days not counting any delays due to weather or materials. It is snowing today which might delay the installation of the siding. We still are on target. The dust too! Everything in the house had to be covered by plastic but it's not enough! I know, I don't seem optimistic but reality is that it will be over soon and completed as we had dreamed of.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Getting in shape!

The new addition is starting to get in shape. We took pics of all the electrical and plumbing for future reference. I can never understand why when you buy a house you don't get a blue print with all the electrical and plumbing marks on it. Every time you think of hanging something on the walls, you have to find out where the studs are, the wiring or even plumbing. The last thing you want to do is to drive a nail into a gas pipe and see your house blow away! Anyway, I decided to take pics of everything for future use (probably for the next buyer of this house which means... when we die!)

Here are some pics of the walls covered with sheet rock. The new windows and doors have already been put in place and it is starting to look like a house. Another month and a half and the job should be done! Hip Hip Hurray!

We really enjoy the whole process of remodeling. Therefore, here is a pic of my husband and I having dinner at our future new kitchen. We love the fact that the skylights, windows and the sliding doors bring a lot of light to the room and even in a gloomy day we hardly ever need to turn the lights on!