It is also time to start thinking about buying school supplies, new clothes (remember, the kids need new outfits to impress their peers!) for the beginning of the school year. Once the kids are back to school you promised yourself to do something about that messy closet, messy files (did I pay or not pay my electrical bill?) and don’t forget that you also have to go to work. All those things to take care of plus grocery shopping, laundry, and making arrangements to have someone to wait for the furniture delivery which of course will be done in the middle of the day (not your choice but that is the only slot THEY have for delivery in your area!).
OK. Let’s think this straight: laundry, grocery shopping, pick up dry cleaners, wait for furniture delivery, organize the closets and kids’ room, etc.. Oh, don’t forget the dog, and the cat that need to go to the vet for their annual shots.
What about having someone help out with all these chores and when you get home, maybe you have the time to prepare dinner (Friday can be pizza day!) and enjoy your family without worries (you still have to help the kids with homework…sorry, we don’t offer this service).
Check our website for services and testimonials. You will be surprise how much we can do to make your live less stressful. That’s what we do best! Go to http:/www.goterrandsusa.com and give us a call when you are ready to enjoy life again!