Friday, July 23, 2010

Grandpa and Grandma Summer Camp

We had our granddaughters and a friend from Canada spending a week with us. We took them everywhere from the Crayola Factory, Six Flags, the Point Pleasant Boardwalk and of course the pool. The days were very hot but we did not mind. We had a lot of fun and so did the kids.

Breakfast at our new kitchen with Grandpa being the "chef".

Don't they look like angels when sleeping? Actually most of the time they slept on the way back from any activity for that day!

Some of the most memorable moments: Kayla(8 yrs. old)said on her second day with us: can we come next year too?
Morgan (4 yrs. old - one of the twins) - I love to take showers at your house. We can use the grown up shower!
Molly - She eats like a bird and only what she wants to eat not what everyone else is telling her she should eat!
Nicole (7 yrs. old) - our called "niece" from Canada, decided to call us Grandpa and Grandma. She went with the flow and we enjoyed it!