"More than 50,000 spectators coverge each fall on the rolling hills of Mooraland Farms in Far Hills, New Jersey for the state’s biggest social event of the fall season – The Far Hills Race Meeting. October 17th., 2009 will mark the 89th. running of this timeless tradition, featuring among the finest steeplechasers in the world competing against a backdrop of autumn splendor. Family and friend create unique and often extravagant fall picnic areas, complete with beautiful floral center pieces, haybale seating, ice carvings and culinary feast."
Now it is time to get in touch with your friends and start planning for the fun. Too much work? You just realized that you need a "party helper" - setting up, serving and cleaning. We would love to help you out!
Feel free to check our website for testimonials or day-by-day services.